Sunday, November 22, 2009

1 Year Anniversary

We have been married one year! Memories of "Our First Year"
- Thanksgiving in Oregon
- driving to our first apartment in a moving van (hauling Ty's car)
- Christmas and New Year's in California
- Gemma came to visit
- the most amazing Valentine's Day EVER! complete with flower pedals and candles and really good food
- Service Activities retreats
- having our single friends over for dinner, movies, and games
- moving and painting
- Bryce and Jamie's wedding
- Easter with our niece and nephew
- Easter photo shoot
- Charity's graduation
- Anthony David Wardle sealed to us for time and eternity
- a month away from each other as I worked in California
- camping in Utah
- my college graduation
- snuggling
- Sunday naps
- school
It has been a great year!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Keeping my Head Above Water

I just needed to get some thoughts out there and thought this way it would update people about how/what I am doing at the same time.
Student Teaching is hard. In fact, it's crazy hard. There is so much to do: plan, teach, make copies, grade papers, put scores in the gradebook, work sample, etc. Most of the time I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water. I should be taking more care into planning everything I teach. However, I am so busy that I end up 'winging' some of the lessons. Then they aren't as well thought out or well delivered and turn into management nightmares because I didn't think and work out all the kinks ahead of time.
I feel like my students don't have any respect for me and they walk all over me. Even when I get mad and turn into the "dictator" (which I hate doing) they don't take me seriously. Yesterday, I just came home and cried. It is so stressful.
Because I am still a student I have assignments that I have to do myself, on top of planning and being a full time teacher. It's insane. I have been focusing on my work sample lately but then other lessons fall through the cracks. All I ever do is plan and schedule and plan and schedule because no matter how much I plan or schedule something gets in the way and I have to re-plan and reschedule.
Not to mention that my house is a mess and my dishes don't get done because I am so stressed out, focused on, and busy with everything else I have to do (including a religion class in order to get 12 credits because student teaching is only 10 credits and in order to get Financial Aid I have to be taking 12 credits.)
I am not really doing the best I can for the students. At this point I am just trying to survive and get through it. That is not a good place to be as a teacher. I wish I had more time to plan so we could do more fun activities without ensuing chaos.

On a brighter note:
I am going to be teaching "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen starting next week! This is a book I loved when I was in 6th grade and I am SO excited to teach it. I can't wait!
I also have the best husband in the world who will just hold me tight and let me know that he is there and that he loves me when I come home from school crying and there isn't anything he can do about it. I am so grateful for that.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Something happened to me header. AHHHHHHH.


Student Teaching (by Natalia)

I start student teaching tomorrow and wanted to share some thoughts. I will be student teaching in Idaho Falls in a 6th grade classroom. For the most part I am really excited about it. I understand that 6th grade may be tough, however there are also great things about the older grades as well. I have already met with my cooperating teacher and know that I can learn a lot from him.
However, I have had some job offers starting this fall and wish I could accept them rather than do student teaching. Hopefully there will be something available in the middle of the school year when I finish student teaching. If not I will substitute teach until the end of the year and get a regular teaching job in the fall. Either way it means I am moving on, into the 'real world'. I am so excited to be done with school.
Another drawback of student teaching is that Ty and I won't see much of each other this semester. I will be in Idaho Falls all day and by the time I get home, he will be at work. I have also played with the idea of working early morning custodial (as a custodian on campus from 4-7 am) again in order to make ends meet. I don't know if I can do it or if I even want to.
Wish me luck with the start of this semester.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Graduation and Happy Birthday

Happy Graduation Natalia!
While I still have student teaching to complete I have completed all of my classes and walked in the graduation ceremony at Brigham Young University--Idaho on Thursday, July 23, 2009. It seemed anti-climactic to graduate before I have officially finished everything however I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. The magnitude of what I have accomplished didn't really hit me until I was marching into the auditorium and people were clapping. After 5 1/2 years of community college and university courses I will finally finish my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and be "out in the world." I look forward to being an elementary school teacher and to the many lives I can touch. But first I have to get through student teaching in a 6th grade classroom. I am looking forward to that as well, however I know it will be busy.
Happy Birthday Ty!
Ty turns 24 today! Our apartment doesn't have TV and Ty has missed being able to watch his favorite show, What Not to Wear. So I got him the Best Of DVD set for his birthday. Unfortunately he picked it up from the mailbox and new what it was so it wasn't really a surprise but he has been watching it most of the day so I hope that means he is happy with his gift. It is also a tradition of his to have a lemon meringue pie on his birthday. I have never made a lemon meringue pie before but I was determined to make it for him. It took some help and patience from my husband but we managed. I hope it tastes as good as it looks.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You tube video that is awesome...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Notes from California (by Natalia)

As Ty and I are apart I thought I would give an update on what I am doing in California. When my job in Rexburg didn't have money to pay me Ty thought it might be a good idea for me to come to California and work in order to earn some money as well as be near family while he went to work at a summer camp for a couple months. However, when we discovered that me getting paid was indefinite and Ty lost his job it became essential for me to come to California and work. Only this time I had to leave Ty alone and bored. Basically that is the story of why we are apart.
As for me, I have been working at the Day Care that I have worked at during breaks from school. I really love working there and I appreciate the hours they give me. My responsibilities there include substituting for teachers when they are on vacation or home sick. Therefore I "float" around the center and get to see the kids in all the age groups and classrooms. It is always amazing to me to come back and see where each of the children are now. There are some kids who were in infants when I first started and are now in preschool. They grow up so fast: get so tall, learn new words, and have new abilities everytime I come back. I love that. I love associating with the children there.
Life at home also keeps me busy. Right now my parents have 4 foster kids. Including Anthony that makes 5 kids under the age of 7. Needless to say our house can be chaotic. I do my best to help with meals/bathing/entertainment/etc. for the little ones. Sometimes it feels like I am the only one- however it truly takes an army to raise these kids. The 7 year old we have staying with us has never been to school in his life and is so ready to learn. I have taken it upon myself to use my elementary education experience and teach him as much as I can. He soaks up everything I give him and sometimes I think I underestimate what he can actually do. It has been a good opportunity for me.
I am looking forward to going back to Idaho in the middle of July for graduation and to go home to my husband. I miss him so much, it has been hard to be away from each other. But it is good to get back on our feet financially after the struggle we have had financially. Student teaching is also in my near future and I am looking forward to being in the 6th grade. The teacher I will be working with has a different teaching style than I do however I know there is a lot I can learn from. Education wise there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It feels good to be so close to finishing. Now hopefully I will be able to find a teaching position- in the middle of the school year that could be tough. We will see what the future brings.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The sky is getting darker,
And the laughs are fading you see.
My happiness if fleeting,
So say goodbye to you and me.
My peace is just so distant,
Misery simply encircles me.
Sadness disrupts the future,
I can't find company.
Disappointment is what I am,
Please except me for me.
The heart is quietly breaking,
People quickly seem to flee,
Nobody around my person,
These things are just meant to be.
Time is no longer needed,
My life just fades away,
Eyes are slowly shutting,
And my breath just wont stay.
My body is so heavy,
Then I hear someone say,
May peace be upon you,
The Lord loves you this day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Finished my second baby blanket

This blanket did not take me that long to make but it is cute and worth making another one. This blanket is a gift to a friend who is having a baby.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blanket Finish

I finally finished my blanket. It took over a month but it is finally done. Yes. The color is about the color of mint icecream.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Boring and Blahhhh

I tried to update my blog but no. My wife did not like it and wanted it cutesy. So you are stuck with this. Sorry.

June 1, 2009

I have not written on my blog for some time now and for a good reason. Not much happens in my life but hey, I might as well share with you what I have been up too as well as my wife. I have still been sitting at home doing nothing much. I have been working on crocheting a baby blanket, that is taking forever to make. I am almost finished with the baby blanket, yes. This past Saturday I helped a friend out with yard work. It was good to get out in the open air and work, I feel I am a workaholic. I enjoyed it, I was able to see a famous painters home and meet some of his family. I am not sure if anyone knows who Leon Parson is, but he is Dell Parsons brother. Dell Parson paints portraits if Jesus Christ for the LDS church and Leon paints beautiful nature scenes for the LDS church and for fun. Leon painted the murals in the Rexburg Idaho temple. That was neat to see his studio, and see how normal he lives. Unbeknownst to me, while mowing my friends lawn, I was cooking quite nicely in the sun. When I got home later Saturday, my wife Natalia noticed something red on my arm and I look and it was a horrible thing. I had a farmers tan, not to the extreme but bad enough. I was nice and red on my arms and the back of my neck. It was a discomfort but hey I am going from glow in the dark white to tan. Now who would not want that change. Church on Sunday was ok but difficult. Natalia and I want a child so bad it does not help to be in a young married ward. We were surrounded by babies the whole day, they are so cute. It is not fair but our time will come. Still waiting for a job. Until we meet again. Bye.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

There are several people that have blogs, it to them is an online journal. I am not that type of person to remember to write in my blog. An added bonus, my life is not all that interesting. My life these past few weeks are not that great. I am currently out of school, not to return until September. I am unemployed, my job does not start until June 8, and boy I can't wait. My wife is currently employed at a day/night care place and she does not get enough hours. We live in a small apartment that not all our stuff fits into. But there is a positive, we are able to paint it whatever color we want. I know, amazing right. We are renting and able to paint. Our living-room has one apple red wall and the other walls are pecan colored. Our kitchen is a muted gold and our bedroom that is stuffed wall to wall, will be a blue. We are attending a campus married ward (church) and have no friends. We just do not feel welcome, hopefully that will change; it seems to a smidgen. There is also a plus, we recently moved out of another apartment that the neighbors we strongly did not like. We are not that loud but they came over often to complain. Their new neighbors are expecting a baby, good luck to the neighbors. We will see who is louder. I am an interior design major as well as an architect major and I have three years left until I graduate with a BA and an AA. My wife's parents just adopted 2 year old boy named Anthony and they will seal him to their family for time and all eternity this coming month. My wife will be able to attend but unfortunately I will not be able to attend. These time are hard to survive in. While my wife is in California, we have decided that she will stay to work for the summer to make money so that we can survive this next semester. So she will be in California while I will be here in Idaho. I will miss her but it is what needs to be done. Oh, my wife is an elementary ed major and she does her student teaching this fall. Today we just found out where she will be doing her student teaching. She will be located in Idaho Falls. I am so happy for her and so is she. By the way this month will mark our 6 months of being married. We have almost made it half a year. I know that does not seem much compared to several couples out there that are 25 years or 50 years married. Ours seem so short but to me it is a milestone. I just have that many more years to look forward to. To this next statement, there will be many that will shake their heads or think we are crazy, but remind you, we are not. We are trying to have a baby. Yes, we are. We already have a boy name and a girl name picked out just in case. We have done alot of research and study in what we are getting into and we feel we are ready. My wife and I are old spirits and we have knowledge and experience that is beyond those of our same age. It is quite funny really, that is almost the only thing we have in common beside loving each other. My wife and I are so opposite in so many ways it is unbelievable. For example: my wife's' favorite fruit are watermelon and bananas. While on the other hand I can not handle those two fruits, they make me gag (the texture mainly). There are many more examples but opposites do attract and we are making it. I love her so much, she is my world and I hers. She makes me want to be a better person and be the best I can ever be. I love her. Well lets see here, what can I share with you now. I told you my life is not that amusing. I better spare you, so I will go now. Thank you for reading. Bye for now.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally Together Forever

Ty hasn't done anything with his blog since August and I thought it was about time to change the "Soon to be Together Forever" because we are finally married and will be "Together Forever."
On November 22, 2008 Ty and I were married in the Oakland, CA temple. It was a beautiful day filled with tears and laughter. We are so grateful to those who support us in our decision to be married and to those who came to wish us their Congratulations and those who were there in spirit. These are some photos taken on that beautiful day.