Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

I have not written on my blog for some time now and for a good reason. Not much happens in my life but hey, I might as well share with you what I have been up too as well as my wife. I have still been sitting at home doing nothing much. I have been working on crocheting a baby blanket, that is taking forever to make. I am almost finished with the baby blanket, yes. This past Saturday I helped a friend out with yard work. It was good to get out in the open air and work, I feel I am a workaholic. I enjoyed it, I was able to see a famous painters home and meet some of his family. I am not sure if anyone knows who Leon Parson is, but he is Dell Parsons brother. Dell Parson paints portraits if Jesus Christ for the LDS church and Leon paints beautiful nature scenes for the LDS church and for fun. Leon painted the murals in the Rexburg Idaho temple. That was neat to see his studio, and see how normal he lives. Unbeknownst to me, while mowing my friends lawn, I was cooking quite nicely in the sun. When I got home later Saturday, my wife Natalia noticed something red on my arm and I look and it was a horrible thing. I had a farmers tan, not to the extreme but bad enough. I was nice and red on my arms and the back of my neck. It was a discomfort but hey I am going from glow in the dark white to tan. Now who would not want that change. Church on Sunday was ok but difficult. Natalia and I want a child so bad it does not help to be in a young married ward. We were surrounded by babies the whole day, they are so cute. It is not fair but our time will come. Still waiting for a job. Until we meet again. Bye.