Sunday, June 28, 2009

Notes from California (by Natalia)

As Ty and I are apart I thought I would give an update on what I am doing in California. When my job in Rexburg didn't have money to pay me Ty thought it might be a good idea for me to come to California and work in order to earn some money as well as be near family while he went to work at a summer camp for a couple months. However, when we discovered that me getting paid was indefinite and Ty lost his job it became essential for me to come to California and work. Only this time I had to leave Ty alone and bored. Basically that is the story of why we are apart.
As for me, I have been working at the Day Care that I have worked at during breaks from school. I really love working there and I appreciate the hours they give me. My responsibilities there include substituting for teachers when they are on vacation or home sick. Therefore I "float" around the center and get to see the kids in all the age groups and classrooms. It is always amazing to me to come back and see where each of the children are now. There are some kids who were in infants when I first started and are now in preschool. They grow up so fast: get so tall, learn new words, and have new abilities everytime I come back. I love that. I love associating with the children there.
Life at home also keeps me busy. Right now my parents have 4 foster kids. Including Anthony that makes 5 kids under the age of 7. Needless to say our house can be chaotic. I do my best to help with meals/bathing/entertainment/etc. for the little ones. Sometimes it feels like I am the only one- however it truly takes an army to raise these kids. The 7 year old we have staying with us has never been to school in his life and is so ready to learn. I have taken it upon myself to use my elementary education experience and teach him as much as I can. He soaks up everything I give him and sometimes I think I underestimate what he can actually do. It has been a good opportunity for me.
I am looking forward to going back to Idaho in the middle of July for graduation and to go home to my husband. I miss him so much, it has been hard to be away from each other. But it is good to get back on our feet financially after the struggle we have had financially. Student teaching is also in my near future and I am looking forward to being in the 6th grade. The teacher I will be working with has a different teaching style than I do however I know there is a lot I can learn from. Education wise there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It feels good to be so close to finishing. Now hopefully I will be able to find a teaching position- in the middle of the school year that could be tough. We will see what the future brings.