Sunday, November 22, 2009

1 Year Anniversary

We have been married one year! Memories of "Our First Year"
- Thanksgiving in Oregon
- driving to our first apartment in a moving van (hauling Ty's car)
- Christmas and New Year's in California
- Gemma came to visit
- the most amazing Valentine's Day EVER! complete with flower pedals and candles and really good food
- Service Activities retreats
- having our single friends over for dinner, movies, and games
- moving and painting
- Bryce and Jamie's wedding
- Easter with our niece and nephew
- Easter photo shoot
- Charity's graduation
- Anthony David Wardle sealed to us for time and eternity
- a month away from each other as I worked in California
- camping in Utah
- my college graduation
- snuggling
- Sunday naps
- school
It has been a great year!