Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

There are several people that have blogs, it to them is an online journal. I am not that type of person to remember to write in my blog. An added bonus, my life is not all that interesting. My life these past few weeks are not that great. I am currently out of school, not to return until September. I am unemployed, my job does not start until June 8, and boy I can't wait. My wife is currently employed at a day/night care place and she does not get enough hours. We live in a small apartment that not all our stuff fits into. But there is a positive, we are able to paint it whatever color we want. I know, amazing right. We are renting and able to paint. Our living-room has one apple red wall and the other walls are pecan colored. Our kitchen is a muted gold and our bedroom that is stuffed wall to wall, will be a blue. We are attending a campus married ward (church) and have no friends. We just do not feel welcome, hopefully that will change; it seems to a smidgen. There is also a plus, we recently moved out of another apartment that the neighbors we strongly did not like. We are not that loud but they came over often to complain. Their new neighbors are expecting a baby, good luck to the neighbors. We will see who is louder. I am an interior design major as well as an architect major and I have three years left until I graduate with a BA and an AA. My wife's parents just adopted 2 year old boy named Anthony and they will seal him to their family for time and all eternity this coming month. My wife will be able to attend but unfortunately I will not be able to attend. These time are hard to survive in. While my wife is in California, we have decided that she will stay to work for the summer to make money so that we can survive this next semester. So she will be in California while I will be here in Idaho. I will miss her but it is what needs to be done. Oh, my wife is an elementary ed major and she does her student teaching this fall. Today we just found out where she will be doing her student teaching. She will be located in Idaho Falls. I am so happy for her and so is she. By the way this month will mark our 6 months of being married. We have almost made it half a year. I know that does not seem much compared to several couples out there that are 25 years or 50 years married. Ours seem so short but to me it is a milestone. I just have that many more years to look forward to. To this next statement, there will be many that will shake their heads or think we are crazy, but remind you, we are not. We are trying to have a baby. Yes, we are. We already have a boy name and a girl name picked out just in case. We have done alot of research and study in what we are getting into and we feel we are ready. My wife and I are old spirits and we have knowledge and experience that is beyond those of our same age. It is quite funny really, that is almost the only thing we have in common beside loving each other. My wife and I are so opposite in so many ways it is unbelievable. For example: my wife's' favorite fruit are watermelon and bananas. While on the other hand I can not handle those two fruits, they make me gag (the texture mainly). There are many more examples but opposites do attract and we are making it. I love her so much, she is my world and I hers. She makes me want to be a better person and be the best I can ever be. I love her. Well lets see here, what can I share with you now. I told you my life is not that amusing. I better spare you, so I will go now. Thank you for reading. Bye for now.


Unknown said...


Wall of text! (Yes, I did read it all.)

Oh Tyler, you sure have opened up a lot since I met you. I will definitely say that it is an improvement. Good luck, man.