Thursday, October 22, 2009

Keeping my Head Above Water

I just needed to get some thoughts out there and thought this way it would update people about how/what I am doing at the same time.
Student Teaching is hard. In fact, it's crazy hard. There is so much to do: plan, teach, make copies, grade papers, put scores in the gradebook, work sample, etc. Most of the time I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water. I should be taking more care into planning everything I teach. However, I am so busy that I end up 'winging' some of the lessons. Then they aren't as well thought out or well delivered and turn into management nightmares because I didn't think and work out all the kinks ahead of time.
I feel like my students don't have any respect for me and they walk all over me. Even when I get mad and turn into the "dictator" (which I hate doing) they don't take me seriously. Yesterday, I just came home and cried. It is so stressful.
Because I am still a student I have assignments that I have to do myself, on top of planning and being a full time teacher. It's insane. I have been focusing on my work sample lately but then other lessons fall through the cracks. All I ever do is plan and schedule and plan and schedule because no matter how much I plan or schedule something gets in the way and I have to re-plan and reschedule.
Not to mention that my house is a mess and my dishes don't get done because I am so stressed out, focused on, and busy with everything else I have to do (including a religion class in order to get 12 credits because student teaching is only 10 credits and in order to get Financial Aid I have to be taking 12 credits.)
I am not really doing the best I can for the students. At this point I am just trying to survive and get through it. That is not a good place to be as a teacher. I wish I had more time to plan so we could do more fun activities without ensuing chaos.

On a brighter note:
I am going to be teaching "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen starting next week! This is a book I loved when I was in 6th grade and I am SO excited to teach it. I can't wait!
I also have the best husband in the world who will just hold me tight and let me know that he is there and that he loves me when I come home from school crying and there isn't anything he can do about it. I am so grateful for that.


A Drop of Gold said...

Aw! Natalia! You're a trooper girl. I hope your high from this low comes very soon! You deserve the best lady. :) Can't wait to hang out with you again! You're awesome, and Ty is awesome, and you both work so hard! You're going to get life under control soon. It'll all happen. :)

Kevin said...

Natalia - I feel for you - I remember feeling that way when I was student teaching. It is so hard - but keep at it - it gets easier!! I loeved reading your posts! Thanks - Tara