Monday, May 16, 2011

Internship and End of 1st year of teaching

Ty is in California doing his internship with Ambiance Interiors. He loves it and they love him. I think it has been a great experience for him so far. He loves seeing the things he has been learning actually used and applied in the work force. While he has been doing some design work, he also been working on the sales end of interior design as well. It has also been interesting for him to see different aspects of running a business.
While Ty has been in California (living with my family no less) I have been stuck in Idaho. We have three weeks left of the school year which seems crazy. While it is hard to see it now when everyone (teachers and students alike) is ready for the summer and school to be over, this has really been a great first year of teaching. I have had a great class (and very small at 20 students), great colleagues/mentors, and great moments and experiences that make you want to keep teaching. Next week we have the 6th Grade Track Meet to look forward to, and later we are going to the zoo and the park. There are so many things going on that I only have about 6 teaching days left. YIKES!
For those who haven't heard, I will be teaching 1st grade next year. While I enjoyed the 6th graders this year, I am looking forward to the change. There will definitely be some adjustments, however, so I will be doing a lot of studying this summer.
Ambiance Interiors loves Ty so much that they asked him to stay for the rest of the summer. At least I get to be with in about a month (after school gets out and I take a class). It will be nice to be with family as well. I am most looking forward to the beach and camping!